Environmental Fund: 2nd Phase of the +Sustainable Buildings Support Program 2021

16 September 2021

Do you know that there are state aids to reduce your home’s energy consumption? Find out how to apply to the +Sustainable Buildings support program.

The +Sustainable Buildings Support Program 2021 is a state program that you can apply for if you intend to improve the energy efficiency of your home, promoting the energy and environmental performance of properties. It is an initiative designed by the Portuguese State, but carried out through the Environmental Fund (FA) and with the support of the Energy Agency (ADENE) and the National Laboratory for Energy and Geology (LNEG).

What is the goal of this program?

The program aims to finance measures that allow, on average, a reduction of at least 30% in primary energy consumption in the target buildings. To do this, it supports the rehabilitation of properties as long as they promote their energy, water, circular economy, and decarbonization efficiency, such as:

  • Replacement of doors and windows;
  • Installation of solar panels and photovoltaic panels;
  • Thermal insulation of walls, roofs and floors;
  • Heating and cooling of sanitary water;
  • Rainwater harvesting;
  • Heat pumps;

Who is eligible to apply?

All individuals who own single-family, multi-family homes, or their autonomous fractions, built and licensed for housing until December 31, 2006, inclusive, throughout the country, can apply for the +Sustainable Buildings Support Program 2021.

In this second edition, it is also possible to apply if you own single-family, multi-family homes or their autonomous fractions, built and licensed until July 1, 2021, but only for some interventions.

What documents do you need?

You can submit several applications of different types in the same property or the same type in different buildings. The necessary documents to formalize the application are:

  • Document proving ownership of the property (Urban Land Registry, Certificate, or Deed)
  • Housing License
  • Proof of regularized situation in Finance

When is the deadline?

The application deadline ends at the end of this November or then at the date on which the expected value runs out. Hurry up because the first edition quickly ran out of allocated funds.

You can read all the eligibility conditions, as well as the limits for co-financing on the Environmental Fund website.

Did you know that you can have tax benefits to improve the energy performance of your home?

Request your energy certificate