What changed in energy labels: new energy label 2021

29 September 2021

There are 3 important pieces of information you should know about the new 2021 energy label: new classes, consumption, and information via QR Code.

Energy labels are designed to simplify information about an appliance’s energy consumption and are defined by letters, with the letter “A” corresponding to a more efficient appliance.

In March 2021, the way this information is presented changed. The new 2021 energy label provides us with three essential indications about appliances:

Energy Class:

Energy efficiency is now classified from “A” to “G”, meaning categories A+, A++, and A+++ no longer exist. The intention is for the lower efficiency classes to disappear as less efficient devices are phased out.

Type of Consumption:

The indication of the energy consumption of appliances is presented differently depending on the type of device. For example, refrigerators indicate annual consumption, washing machines show the value used every 100 cycles, and screens and lamps calculate consumption per thousand hours of use.

QR code

Another significant change is that you will find the product’s QR Code in the upper right corner of the labels. To access this information, you need a smartphone, which will provide access to all additional information about the device.

The Importance of Energy Labels:

This classification reflects the amount of energy the device consumes to perform its function.

The more efficient it is, the less energy it uses. A difference in classification can mean that a washing machine with an “F” rating uses twice the energy of another with an “A” efficiency.

Which devices have an energy classification?

Currently, energy classification covers large appliances, such as refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, and dishwashers. But also smaller devices, like televisions and LED lamps, are already included in this classification.

In the future, you will have information about the ecological footprint even for the type of paint you choose for your home!

Preserving the Environment:

Remember that purchasing more efficient devices means reducing energy costs, having a higher energy certification for your home, and contributing to environmental preservation.

Find out how the energy certification of your property can help reforest the country.

Request your energy certificate